Interview Questions for Freshers and How to Answer Them

Interview Questions for Freshers and How to Answer Them

Fresh graduates or first-time job seekers (commonly referred to as freshers) are extremely different from experienced candidates. They are extremely raw, not knowing which direction is the right one for them. A majority of freshers do not have a thorough roadmap as to what they want to achieve in life, especially when it comes to job hunting. They are often found at a loss for words when asked basic questions by the interviewer. Here, we have highlighted the most common interview questions for freshers and potential answers as well as the most sought-after qualities that prospective employers are searching in freshers.

Being a fresher, you may experience tremendous anxiety before you attend that all-important interview. This problem can be effectively solved through thorough and in-depth preparation. Mentioned below are the some of the most common interview questions for freshers so that you prepare well in advance and ace the interview with confidence and enthusiasm.


(1) Did you face any hassles in reaching this place?

The interviewer generally poses this question to initiate the interview and make the candidate feel at ease. This interview question for fresher is the perfect icebreaker. You can smile genuinely and answer this question by stating, “It was not at all difficult in reaching this place.”


(2) Tell me something more about yourself

This is the most common interview question for freshers. This question effectively sets the ground and pace for the remainder of the interview. You do not have to blurt out your entire life history here. Just briefly state your educational qualifications, some information with regard to your family, extracurricular activities you have participated in, and the hobbies you enjoy.


(3) Why are you interested in this job?

The actual purpose of this question is to check if you are seriously interested in this job or if you applied just to make a quick buck. Come up with a relation between the job description and your candidature, and state in positive terms why you feel you are the most ideal candidate for this job.


(4) Why should we hire you?

This interview question for freshers is another way of rewording the previous question. An organisation would want to hire candidates that bring in value addition. Therefore, your focus should be on your skill set and how it can be of assistance for the position you have applied for. In addition, throw more light on your ability in grasping new things, being a perfect team player, and possessing a flexible attitude. These are some of the ideal qualities that employers seek in freshers. Make it a point to include a specific example for every quality you state.


(5) Are you an extrovert or introvert?

There is no problem in being an extrovert or introvert because this is your personality trait. However, being an “extreme” introvert or extrovert can be a negative quality for you, which will raise a red flag in the interviewer’s mind. Your behaviour at the work place should meet the requirements of the organisation. While answering this question, you can come up with something like, “I act according to the requirement and need of the situation. For example, if I have to represent the organisation at a particular event, which requires employees to initiate conversations, I demonstrate my extrovert personality, whereas if there is some serious problem at hand, I contemplate deeply and quietly over it.


(6) What are your strengths?

This question, too, is one of the most frequently asked interview question for freshers. Your potential answer to this question will demonstrate your level of interview preparation. Your same strengths will not be advantageous in all interviews. You need to come up with a customised and exclusive answer as per the requirements of the position you have applied for.


Before attending any interview, analyse the job description carefully and prepare a list of qualities that are required to optimally perform that role. Then, prepare a list of the qualities you possess and match each one of them with the job requirements.


(a) Where do you see yourself five years from now?

This interview question for freshers often throws most first-time job seekers off guard. However, you can answer this question effectively by demonstrating your ability to efficiently plan out things. Your plans should be ambitious yet realistic. You can say that you wish to climb the corporate ladder by acquiring new skills.


(b) Are you ready and willing to change your profile or project when needed?

This interview question for freshers is extremely important for an organisation because they seek employees who are ready to play different roles for meeting business demands. Hence, you should emphatically state “yes.”


(c) Which skills do you need to develop to achieve success in this role?

You may throw light upon some specific skills that are needed to play the role effectively. This will demonstrate your eagerness to learn and awareness of your shortcomings.


(d) Are you planning to study further?

This interview question for freshers needs to be answered wisely because prospective employers seek candidates who will stay with the organisation for a long period rather than utilise training resources and say goodbye in six months. If you are pursuing a distance education course or part-time course, be honest to your interviewer because he or she needs to know about potential leaves during examination time.


(e) Do you like reading newspaper, magazines, or books?

Browse through a leading newspaper on the day of the interview because your prospective employer may ask you details about the front-page headlines or they may ask you the name of your favourite columnist. The same applies for magazines; make sure that you have read the latest edition. If you are providing names of books, remember the names of the respective authors and be prepared to provide a brief summary of the book, whether fiction or non-fiction books.


(f) Tell me some aspects about yourself that is not mentioned in your CV.

If you missed including some key points while drafting your CV, this is the ideal opportunity to discuss them. Whenever you talk about yourself, be confident without going overboard. Do not boast of your skills and abilities. You should discuss accomplishments if any or some personal traits and characteristics.


(g) Do you personally know anyone who works with this organisation?

It is perfectly fine if you do not know anyone; however, if you do, it would be good to name that employee. This demonstrates your interest levels, and it is natural that you would ask that employee to provide his or her views on the nature of the company. It works the other way as well: the employer may ask that employee for your reference.


(h) Do you have any other job offers at hand?

This interview question for freshers is generally asked at the end of the interview and is an effective closing question. Prospective employers want to know how actively involved you are in job hunting. It is wise to provide an honest answer and tell the recruiter why you are still searching jobs despite having an offer at hand.


(i) Do you have any questions or queries for me?

Be well prepared with proper questions to pose for the interviewer. You can enquire whether the organisation permits vertical and lateral role changes. You can also question whether the company provides encouragement with regard to employee learning and development. Question whether the organisation has plans to expand. In addition, you can discuss your role and responsibilities in a detailed manner. This interview question for freshers is the best chance for you to gain crucial insights into the organisation’s different nuances and aspects.


Therefore, all the best to all you freshers out there!

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