5 Key Reasons of an Unsuccessful Job Interview
“We regret to inform you that we have made the job offer to another candidate.”
This is one sentence no job seeker wants to ever hear. When you hear news about rejection of your candidature, you will surely wonder where you went wrong. If you are one of those lucky few to receive feedback from the recruiter or hiring manager, then it would be an ideal scenario; however, you will keep searching answers to the questions why and what precisely turned them off.
Mentioned below are 5 probable reasons for not clearing a job interview and what corrective actions you can take to ace the next interview. Therefore, let us begin.
(1) You were not personal enough
Hiring managers want to easily see you gelling well with the team members and effectively blending in with the organization because it makes their job much simpler and boosts their confidence levels. You need to show how passionate you are with regard to the organization you intend to offer your valuable service to. When it comes to the roles and responsibilities, know well in advance what they are seeking, not just the educational qualifications or work experience, but your core personality traits. You can easily find this info on their recruitment web pages.
(2) Your Body Language was Incorrect
It is not difficult for many candidates to talk their way through a job interview; however, recruiters are extremely savvy to this. If your body language is giving off the incorrect impression, then you cannot fool any recruiter or hiring manager. They have worked with members of the workforce long enough to comprehend your actual feelings. For instance, if you mention that you are good at developing excellent rapport with new individuals but if you sit with your body closed up or your arms crossed, it eventually means that you probably lying. If you mention that you are excellent at managing individuals, ensure that your body language demonstrates that you are a confident and open individual.
(3) You lacked Focus
When it comes to a job interview, you need to be extremely focused. Be extremely confident with regard to what you know and not what you lack knowledge of. Do not make an attempt to impress the recruiter by mentioning more than what you precisely know. Just stick to what you are efficient in. In this way, you will be able to talk with supreme confidence and fluency, instead of fumbling for words or trying to speak about things that you just are not sure about.
(4) You did not walk the Extra Mile
Recruiters and hiring managers want to effectively cut out the fluff and zero in on the ideal candidate as soon as possible. It can be an extremely tough job screening scores of look-a-like candidates. Things such as following up on a consistent but not overly basis, making your presence felt, and being an active and good listener instead of a proficient talker are the finer nuances when it comes to clearing a job interview. Walk the extra mile and put extremely high effort into each job position that you are applying for. It can be potentially difficult with the knockbacks; however, with perseverance and determination, you will eventually make it.
(5) You were not effective at Laser Targeting
Prospective employers are largely concerned with what value additions you bring to the new organization and what is in it for them. They try to judge whether you will fit the organization effectively. They lack the time to entertain things that do not matter to them. Therefore, while preparing for a job interview, ensure that your CV and cover letter are closely linked to the applied job position and specific industry. Make good use of the keywords that prospective employers use while creating job descriptions. Moreover, you should use business language but avoid jargon. This will enhance their level of trust in your abilities and make them rest assured that you have clearly comprehended the role you are planning to take on.
Therefore, the next time you attend a job interview, go beyond your CV and cover letter. Pay attention to your presentation skills and if they effectively match up with the manner in which you speak. In addition, be laser targeted, personal, and walk the extra mile.
In the competitive job scenario, one should not leave any stone unturned to grab the attention of employers, and a cover letter can help you achieve this. A cover letter puts forward your qualifications, intentions, and your skills in a crisp and appealing manner. For the best first impression, you should make sure that your CV is accompanied by a Cover letter.
Here are some of other major reasons why you need a cover letter along with your CV.
Your Resume is not just a document stating your academic record, work experience, or your skills; it is your key to the best of the jobs in the industry. Therefore, you need to pay extra attention to your Resume even if you are an experienced professional. Even after being in the business for a long duration you might still need help with your Resume
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