Phone Interview Question Tips

If you thought that employers only contact you via telephone to schedule the interview, then beware, as the trends are changing. Now, employers are using the telephone to do an initial interview and sometimes ask questions that were usually kept for the final interview. This type of interview can range from a few minutes to even an hour and the topics discussed can be your career history, your marketing strategy, your knowledge of the industry or the company, and some other topics. Some days back candidates could easily deal with phone interviews, as they used to be of ten or few minutes only and included some soft questions only.Telephonic Interview Help


However, things are very different now. You need to prepare to handle phone job interviews and steer clear in it. Employers now ask details pertaining to your career history and can also ask about exact dates of your job experiences. Questions regarding your strengths can also be asked. Therefore, you need to prepare properly to ace phone job interviews.


Here are a few tips that can help you to succeed in phone job interviews:

Schedule the phone when you are able to take the call: you need a peaceful setting to take the call so that you can communicate properly with your employer, so you should schedule the call for the right time. However, if you are not given a chance to schedule the call then request the interviewer to call after some time, but if the interviewer hesitates, you should try to take the call, or else you might lose the opportunity.

Telephonic Interview TipsKeep your documents ready with you: One of the biggest advantages of phone interview is that you can keep your documents at hand. This will help you to take reference from your resume and cite examples and dates accordingly. You should also keep a copy of the job description with you and the application that you have submitted while applying for the job.

Prepare for the complicated questions: Apart from the small talks, you might have to face difficult questions over the phone as well, so you should prepare for such questions. Some of the questions that you might face include what you know about the organization, why you need the job, what are you strengths, explains your career goals, how you fit the job, etc.

Practice even the common questions: Sometimes the most common questions take the toll, even when you prepare for the tough ones. If you answer these questions with just ‘yes’ or ‘no’, then this will not move your interview forward. Try to paint a visual picture with the help of your words, even when you are asked some of the simplest questions.

Demonstrate your skills: When asked about your experiences, strengths, or skills, you should use examples or rather tell them as a story, so that it clearly demonstrates your achievements and skills. This will help you get an edge over other candidates. The more prepared you are the better you will handle phone interviews.

Answer in a light mood: Although the interviewer is not able to see you over the telephone, but if you are nervous or stressed, then your voice will shiver, and you will fumble while answering the questions. try to keep your mood light and just smile while answering.

Direct the interviewer towards your online presence: If you have a well-maintained LinkedIn profile, then you can suggest your employer to visit your profile and get further details about you.

Polish your phone etiquette: talking over the phone also needs some etiquette, as this can impress your interviewer. Don’t put the interviewer on hold or attend to other jobs while talking to your employer, as this will shift your focus.

Answer to the point: The more you will talk the more mistake you will make, so whenever you are answering the questions over the phone, make sure that your answers and to the point only. You should also take care that you don’t get off the track and start talking about something other than what the interviewer has asked.

Pay attention to your voice and your language: Your voice is your tool to win over the interviewer in phone interviews, so use it to the fullest. Speak clearly and keep your language as positive as possible. Adjust your tone according to the questions asked and use proper keywords to create a good impression.

Avoid asking self-centered questions: If you get the time to ask some questions to the employer, remember that this is not the right time to ask about the benefits and salary that they are offering. You just need to focus on selling your skills to the employer in initial interviews like this.

Listen carefully: In phone interview, you can only hear the voice of the interviewer so you should listen to the questions very carefully or else you will falter while answering. You can note down the questions, as this can help you later in the personal interview.

Say thanks: Whether you are attending a personal interview or a telephonic interview, you should never forget to show gratitude for the time the employer spared to interview you. You can either say thanks when wrapping up a telephonic interview, or else if you did not get the chance to do so, you can mail a letter saying thanks.

<< How to prepare for an interview

>> Interview Preparation in 3 Easy Steps


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