10 Tough Interview Questions and Their Answers
Whenever you walk out of an interview, do you feel that your answers could have been better? Well, you are not alone as several candidates feel the same. However, instead of regretting of what you said and how you answered some of the Tough Interview Questions in the previous interview, you should brush up your answers to impress potential employers in the interviews to come. The best method to deal with these Tough Interview Questions is to practice and give smart answers.
Here is a list of 10 Tough Interview Questions and Their Answers
1. Why do you need this job?
Except that you are a fresh graduate, this is one of the Tough Interview Questions that will obviously be thrown at you. If you need a job then there might be a reason behind it, be your leaving your current job, you are fired, sacked, or victim to cost cutting, etc.
The best way to answer such Tough Interview Questions is to keep it positive. You can say that I am looking for something new, or that “My current job does not support career growth.” No matter what is your answer just make sure that you don’t make the answer up.
2. The about yourself question
Such Tough Interview Questions are probably on the top of the list, yet it is one of the most dreaded questions. with these Tough Interview Questions the employers primarily wish to know why you are suitable for the job while asking this question.
Keep the answer short but precise and talk mostly about what makes you different and what all you have done. You can cite a few examples of your experience and achievements.
3. What makes you the most suitable candidate for the job?
The easiest way to answer this question is to say that because you are the best fit for the position. However, you can add an explanation of your abilities and qualities that sets you apart from other candidates.
4. Your weaknesses and strengths
You can say that you leadership quality, persistence, positive attitude, and sense of responsibility are your strengths. As far as weaknesses are concerned, you can smartly turn your qualities in your weaknesses like saying that not be able to say no is one of your weaknesses. Staying positive in your answer is the key here.
5. Overqualified for the position
Whenever the interviewer asks whether you are overqualified for the job, never say ‘yes’, as this will send the impression that you will soon be discontented and can leave the job soon. Your answer should focus more on your skills and experience and the value that you will add to the company if they hire you.
6. Have you ever clashed with your employer?
Even if you will say no, the interviewer might dig deeper to look for a conflict, so the best way to answer the question is to cite one example of disagreement and tell how you used your skills to resolve the conflict.
7. How do you tackle pressure?
For answering such Tough Interview Questions, you can give example of tough work problems, and tell them how you solved it. Describe the difficulties that you faced and techniques that you sued to tackle the difficulties.
8. What makes you different from others?
Don’t ever boast of your qualities and achievements. Describe how your skills and experience can be an asset for the company. Keep the answer very professional. For example, you can say, “My graphic designing skills can be useful for your publishing projects.”
9. What salary do you expect?
A tough one out of rest Tough Interview Questions, but you have to face it, and face it with confidence. If you are not sure about the salary expectation then ask, “Can you please provide me some more information about the position.” You can then decide the salary as per the responsibilities and range of your job.
10. Do you wish to ask anything?
Never say ‘no’ as this is your opportunity to find out facts about the company, the team, the working conditions, the employer, and many other things. Prepare some questions in advance and clear all your doubts when you are asked to do so.
Keep your head high, eye contact steady, and confidence up, and you will have no difficult in answering these so-called Tough Interview Questions.
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